Summary: | Introduction: the National Health Care System, due to its mission, coverage and its features, requires a constant flow of information, aimed at maintaining a high level of knowledge for each of the activities undertaken at all levels, to guide the administration processes of health services, therefore the training of a specialized staff in the use of technologies will allow them to lead and manage the necessary infrastructure for the decision-making processes.
Objective: to analyze the behavior and skills of software design in the teaching-learning process of the subject Software Engineering and Management.
Method: it is a descriptive research, the theoretical methods used were: historical and logical, analysis-synthesis, deduction and induction and systemic approach; from the empirical levels a documentary analysis was applied.
Results: an assessment of the analysis performed concerning regulations and the documents in force of the teaching-learning process for the software to be used as a supplementary means which supports the methodological training of Informatics professors.
Conclusions: the Higher Medical Education in Cuba has reached a qualitative and quantitative progress in all aspects of the teaching process, but there are curricular elements that must be addressed in order to increase in quality.