Summary: | The current developments in the European legislative protection against the introduction of plant pests is problematic in terms of its quality and in relation of the EU law to the law of EU Member States. The quality of this legislation is significant by non-uniform wording used in Directive 2019/523 and in Council Directive 2000/29/EC, especially in geographical indications, names of taxonomic units of organisms and listing of requirements, conditions, states, plants, plant products and organisms. Another problematic phenomenon of the uncertainty of the EU Member states caused by very slow European law-making process regarding to adoption of implementing regulations, which needed to enter into force on December 14th 2019 based on Regulation 2016/2031 repealing the present legislation in plant pest protection covered by seven older directives. Despite of this fact, the EU amended simultaneously this older legislation only a very short time before the date of repealing.