Resumo: | Background: Sacroiliac joint fusion (SIF) has been shown to effectively alleviate pain and improve functional deficits associated with sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SIJD). Previous studies have demonstrated significant improvements in gait function, however, none have reported both over-ground walking and quiescent standing, and additionally, none have included analysis of pelvic kinematics which may contain important information regarding pain avoidant compensatory behaviors. The purpose of this study was to identify objective functional differences between symptomatic and asymptomatic sides of unilateral sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SIJD) patients and to demonstrate the effectiveness of unilateral sacroiliac fusion (SIF) to improve gait and balance function compared to matched controls. Methods: Thirteen unilateral SIJD patients were evaluated before and 6 months after SIF and were compared to matched asymptomatic controls. Pain and disability were assessed using visual analog scales and the Oswestry disability index respectively. Over ground walking and standing balance were assessed using 3D joint kinematics and kinetic ground reaction force analyses. Results: Preoperatively, SIJD patients reported high levels of pain and disability and exhibited significant deficits in gait including elevated step width, reduced hip flexion/extension, and elevated pelvic motion as well as elevated center of pressure sway characteristics during standing. After unilateral SIF, patients reported significant reductions in pain and demonstrated significant improvements in gait including normalization of step width between sides and improved hip motion however elevated pelvic obliquity and rotation motion remained. Improvements in standing balance included reduced coronal sway characteristics and normalization of loading symmetry between sides. Conclusion: Unilateral SIF resulted in significant improvements in both gait and balance function among SIJD patients to levels comparable to matched controls, however elevated pelvic motion remained. These findings help inform surgeons on the effectiveness of SIF for unilateral SIJD and provide important information regarding interpretation of functional outcomes.