Summary: | Archaeological researches developed on the Frăsinetului River valley, Dobrosloveni commune, in December 2021, revealed close up to a private lake, situated in the north-east of the Frăsinet village, a very rich area in archaeological remains. Here were discovered a lot of pottery fragments belonging of different prehistoric cultures, roman period and medieval age. Among these pottery fragments, we remark some fragments belonging to Vădastra culture with various types of decoration as: excision, incision, grooved types and pottery with incisions and Vinča points. Among Vădastra pottery discovered here, in the mentioned point, we remark a fragment probably from a cult table, decorated with incisions and Vinča points. We consider that, probably, in the mentioned area, was an important settlement of Vădastra culture. Also, we remember that here (Dobrosloveni and Fărcașele communes, Olt County) were attested a lot of important settlements of Vădastra culture. These settlements are published and are considered as reference settlements for the mentioned culture.