Summary: | Seamline network generation is a crucial step in mosaicking multiple orthoimages. It determines the topological and mosaic contribution area for each orthoimage. Previous methods, such as Voronoi-based and AVOD (area Voronoi)-based, may generate mosaic holes in low-overlap and irregular orthoimage cases. This paper proposes a Voronoi centerline-based seamline network generation method to address this problem. The first step is to detect the edge vector of the valid orthoimage region; the second step is to construct a Voronoi triangle network using the edge vector points and extract the centerline of the network; the third step is to segment each orthoimage by the generated centerlines to construct the image effective mosaic polygon (EMP). The final segmented EMP is the mosaic contribution region. All EMPs are interconnected to form a seamline network. The main contribution of the proposed method is that it solves the mosaic holes in the Voronoi-based method when processing with low overlap, and it solves the limitation of the AVOD-based method polygon shape requirement, which can generate a complete mosaic in any overlap and any shape of the orthoimage. Five sets of experiments were conducted, and the results show that the proposed method surpasses the well-known state-of-the-art method and commercial software in terms of adaptability and effectiveness.