Summary: | In the second part of this work, the author continues the discussion about anthropomorphic statuettes and vases, this time of the Aeneolithic, the Carpatho-Balkan and Danubian area, which emphasizes body (bodily) marks such as tattoos, piercings, scarifications, etc.). Are highlighted the analogies with similar practices of other aeneolithic (chalcolithic), historical, traditional or of the present "primitive world" communities. Comparative analysis of this type of behaviour, of the perenniality body marks practices, of the symbolism and ornamentation semantics, allows the author to better "localize" the Aeneolithic (Chalcolithic) and Neolithic person, in the micro and macrosocial groups, with a multiplicity of identities (gender, age, status and role, ethnicity, religion etc., in protohistorical complex societies.