Summary: | <p>Fifteen years ago, during my Alexander von Humbold scholarship in Berlin, when I started focusing on the tell phenomena, I made a catalogue of the multilayered Bronze Age settlements in the Carpathian Basin. Based on information found in the secondary literature published until the year 2002, I selected a number of 188 such settlements (Map 1). The list and the chronological table presented the most important information on Bronze Age tells, tell-like settlements, and mound-like settlements in the Carpathian Basin known until then (Annexe 1). In spite of the fact that many of the previously gathered information is not valid anymore, I considered it important to publish the list of Early and Middle Bronze Age multilayered settlements the way it has been made fifteen years ago. This catalogue represented the starting point of a long lasting interest in the tell civilization in the Carpathian Basin.<strong></strong></p>