Memikirkan Ulang Ineransi Alkitab dan Implikasinya Bagi Konstruksi Doktrin Ineransi Injili Masa Kini

Abstract. This article was written to answer a question: what are the similarities and differences, as well as continuity and discontinuity, on the concept of biblical inerrancy according to modern Evangelical thoughts represented by the International Council of Biblical Inerrancy (ICBI) which formu...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Carmia Margaret
Format: Article
Published: Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Intheos Surakarta 2022-06-01
Series:Dunamis: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani
Online Access:
Summary:Abstract. This article was written to answer a question: what are the similarities and differences, as well as continuity and discontinuity, on the concept of biblical inerrancy according to modern Evangelical thoughts represented by the International Council of Biblical Inerrancy (ICBI) which formulated the Chicago Statements of Biblical Inerrancy (CSBI) and its supplementary documents compared to the views of pre-modern Christian thoughts or the Church Fathers. This comparison was made to seek the construction of a (more) proportionate articulation on the doctrine of biblical inerrancy. In fact, the differences between both of them are not essentially related to the terminology problem, but rather show different metaphysical, epistemological, hermeneutical preconpositions, and different justification criteria for the validity of the Scripture. The Church Fathers emphasized Scripture as a spiritual and supernatural text so there was no need to always prove its validity historically and factually, while modern Evangelicals that emphasized the harmony of God's revelation with human knowledge emphasized the dimension of accuracy and historicality as the basis for their concepts on biblical inerrancy. Abstrak. Artikel ini ditulis untuk menjawab sebuah pertanyaan: apakah persamaan dan perbedaan, serta kontinuitas dan diskontinuitas, dari konsep tentang ineransi Kitab Suci menurut kelompok Injili modern yang direpresentasikan oleh International Council of Biblical Inerrancy (ICBI), yang merumuskan Chicago Statements of Biblical Inerrancy (CSBI) dan dokumen-dokumen pelengkapnya, dengan menurut pandangan kelompok Kristen pra-modern atau Bapa-bapa Gereja. Komparasi ini dilakukan untuk mencari konstruksi doktrin ineransi yang (lebih) proporsional bagi kalangan Injili masa kini. Pada dasarnya, perbedaan di antara kedua kelompok tersebut bukan berkaitan dengan problem terminologis, tetapi lebih menunjukkan perbedaan metafisika, epistemologi, prasuposisi hermeneutika, dan kriteria justifikasi yang berbeda terhadap kesahihan Kitab Suci. Bapa-bapa Gereja lebih menekankan natur Kitab Suci sebagai teks spiritual dan supranatural sehingga tidak perlu selalu membuktikan kesahihannya secara historis-faktual, sementara kelompok Injili modern yang menekankan keselarasan wahyu Allah dengan pengetahuan manusia lebih menekankan dimensi akurasi dan historisitas teks sebagai basis ineransi.