Summary: | Occasional use of the probiotics Levisel SB Plus and Tsellobacterin – T in a dose 0.50 kg/t of the mixed fodder in a diet of the laying hens at the age 21-26, 34-39 и 45-48 weeks has increased metabolic processes in the body of a bird and productivity of the laying hens in a group with Levisel SB Plus by 10.6 %, with a dash Tsellobacterin – T – by 16.1 %, but it did not affect the weight of the egg during all periods of the productive cycle. The egg incubation results showed that probiotice Levisel SB Plus increased egg hatability by 4.1%, Tsellobacterin-T by 6.2%, their fertilization by 2.1 and 4.2%, the withdrawal of young chickens by 3.5% and 5.1%. The addition of probiotics did not change the hatchability of eggs (93.22 and 93.17%) in these groups, but reduced the amount of unfertilized eggs by 1.8 and 10.3%. There was a higher content of carotenoids and vitamin A in the eggs of the laying hens and in the body of daily chickens. Using the probiotics in the diet of laying hens of the parent herd has reduced the cost of feeding for 10 eggs by 8.2-8.5% , with a dash of Levisel SB Plus by 15,0-15,4%, with a dash of Tsellobacterin – T to the weight of the egg by 1,8-9,7% and 15.3-15.5% respectively. At the same time, the payment of food products increased in the group using Levisel SB Plus by 10.3-10.7%, with Tsellobacterine - T by 20.9- 21.7%, the profitability of production increased by 13.1 and 22.3%.