Summary: | This article discusses the idea of discourse in Ecological Discourse Analysis. Its main objective is to compare the tenets of the sociological theory of Bakhtin’s Circle (Bakhtin, Medvedev, Volochínov) with its concepts of interaction, dialogism, ideology of daily life and discourse. These concepts imply that the utterances produced in human communication contain the axiological values of sociohistorical context. According to Ecosystemic Discourse Analysis, there is interaction among the Natural, the Social and the Mental environments in order to produce meanings. This shows that the ecological perspective also dynamically vibrates in this production of meaning. The theoretical bases are, therefore, the sociological theories of the Russion Bakhtin Circle as compared to the tenets of Ecosystemic Linguistics (Couto Couto, 2015). It is a qualitative and bibliographical research. We think that the two theories are heavily marked by a constant dynamism as well as that the ecological perspective was already present in the sociological theory, albeit to a lesser degree.