Summary: | This article observed the question of Russian nationalism in the context of State Duma elections in Russian Empire (1906 –1912) in three Right-bank gubernias—Podillia, Volhynia, and Kyiv. In Soviet historiography Russian nationalists weren’t regarded as an independent political group, and together with other Blackhundred organizations were labeled as pro-governmental, reactionary, gentry forces. In the post-Soviet Russian historiography a «renaissance of conservative thought» took place, which led to a positive reevaluation of Russian nationalists’ ideas and reforms. At the same time most Ukrainian historians leave this topic aside of their academic interests despite a number of critical and perspective studies in the field. In the Western historiography since 1980’s developed a perspective towards Russian nationalists as a specific political movement in the western provinces of Russian Empire, which emerged as a response to the inability of the imperial authorities to conduct effective nationality policy in the multiethnic borderland.