Summary: | To determine the required levels of nitrogen and potassium, an experiment was conducted at Holetta Agricultural Research Center and Jeldu sub Center from 2014-2015 using three factors (Jalenie, Gudenie and Belete potato varies; 87, 110, 133kg/ha nitrogen rates and 0, 34.5, 69, 103.5kg/ha potassium in the form of K2O levels) and as a completely randomized block design arrangement with three replications. In each location every year the 36 treatments (4 potassium oxide levels x 3 nitrogen levels x 3 varieties) were assigned in random combinations to 36 plots of one block in a random case which was replicated in to two additional blocks of different randomizations in order to make total of three replications/blocks. Data were analyzed by SAS software Version 9.2. Potassium rates significantly affected the total yield and marketable yield as compared to the control treatment. Application of potassium at 103.5 kg/ha produced significantly a higher marketable yield than all rates. As compared to Jeldu, the Holetta location produced the maximum highly significant yield and yield component. Interaction of potassium and nitrogen fertilizers affected marketable tuber numbers and plant height significantly. In 2014, Belete produced the highest (27.31 ton/ha) marketable yield at an application of 34.5 kg/ha potassium and 110 kg/ha nitrogen while Gudenie produced the highest (30.53 ton/ha) marketable yield at an application of 69 kg/ ha potassium and 110 kg/ha nitrogen rates in 2015. It is better to apply 69 kg/ha potassium and 110 kg/ha nitrogen to potato production for reasonable yield at sites similar to experimental locations. It can be concluded that, interaction of nitrogen and potassium rates significantly affected plant height and marketable tuber numbers.