Summary: | The realities of rural life of North Sudan described in this article by no means come from the region of particular cultural features and high existence standard. They represent an above-average cultural situation of rural areas in the valley of the Central Nile. All the more they seem to be important and interesting for the researchers of this part of Africa these days. The northern part of Sudan is still little known, especially when it comes to modern times. Despite that, however, we realize that also in this part of the African continent have been undergoing great modernization changes which to a large extent and often irreversibly transform life and landscape of this place. The author, by means of presenting particular elements of village topography and everyday life, tries to outline the current existence image of this place in Africa, at the same time, putting an emphasis on changes taking place. The material presented in this article mostly comes from the author’s own field studies conducted in Sudan between the third and fourth cataracts.