Summary: | This article investigates the role and ways of action of leaderships in urban contexts characterized by urban
revitalization processes (RJ/Brazil). Adopting as its theoretical basis the bibliographical review of the literature on
leadership and public area requalification processes, as well as research conducted by Jacobs (2011) on diversity
and innovation, the present research may be characterized as qualitative in nature (case study). Results indicate
that the Porto Maravilha project has transposed business concepts to public administration. Today, the keynote
lies in the attraction of new enterprises and in the construction of urban revitalization projects for the city’s
makeover. With regard to the leadership, although public leadership has apparently adopted management
instruments for decentralizing management and for public participation, these measures were not enough to
achieve an effectively shared leadership that would reflect the multiple interests of different actors (as the theory
of relational leadership presupposes). Thus, a set of contradictions and dilemmas for the leaders is apparent, among
them: how to build an effectively-shared leadership, as every urban transformation project depends on the
negotiation and complex interaction between different social actors?