Summary: | In this study, 18 surface and groundwater samples and 5 wastewater samples were analyzed to assess water recourses and wastewater quality at Shahid Hashemi Nezhad Gas Refinery region in terms of corrosion and scaling. The parameters measured were pH, EC, temperature, and concentration of major ions, including K+, Na +, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42, Cl, HCO3- and CO32,. Majority of the water samples showed Na+- SO42- and Na+-Cl- type and face by Piper diagram. To assess corrosion and scaling of the samples, various indices were calculated including LSI, RSI, PSI, AI and S&DSI for CaCO3 deposition, and L&SI and Skillman for sulfates deposition especially CaSO4. The results showed most of the water samples had scale forming due to high hardness and alkalinity, and the wastewater samples were often corrosive and therefore, all of the samples did not have favorable quality for industrial uses. The results of hydrogeochemical studies indicated evaporation, evaporative minerals such as gypsum and anhydrite in the water flow path, carbonate formations and their dissolution were the most important parameters in controlling ionic content of the water resources.