Summary: | Chen Z, Mou L, Pan Y, Feng C, Zhang J, Li J. Onco Targets Ther. 2019;12:8125–8138.
The Editor and Publisher of OncoTargets and Therapy wish to retract the published article. Concerns were raised following the authors request to make corrections to images in Supplemental Figures 3, 4 and 5. Our investigation found that images within these figures appeared to have duplicated and further image duplication was found within Figures 3 and 4 from the main body of the article. Specifically,
Figure 3B, U-251MG, None, appears to have been duplicated with the same image in Figure 3C, U-87MG, sh-CXCL8#1, which has been rotated.
Figure 4A, U-251MG, LV-Vector, N-cadherin, appears to have been duplicated with regions from the image used in Figure 4A, U-251MG, LV-Vector, Vimentin.
Figure 4A, U-87MG, CXCL8-shRNA, DAPI/CXCL8, appears to have been duplicated with regions from the image used in Figure 4A, U-251MG, LV-Vector, Vimentin.
Figure S3C, U-87MG, None, appears to have been duplicated with the same image in Figure S3D, U-251MG, Vector.
Figure S3C, U-87MG, CXCL8(KD), appears to have been duplicated with the same image in Figure S4D, U-251MG, Vector.
Figure S4E, U-87MG, None, appears to have been duplicated with the same image in Figure S4E, U-87MG, Vector.
The authors cooperated with the investigation and provided data associated with the study. However, despite the authors’ assistance, it was still not clear how the images came to be duplicated, and, as we cannot verify the validity of the published work, we are therefore retracting the article and the authors were notified of this.
We have been informed in our decision-making by our policy on publishing ethics and integrity and the COPE guidelines on retractions.
The retracted article will remain online to maintain the scholarly record, but it will be digitally watermarked on each page as “Retracted”.