Summary: | Spain, where 80 % of the population live in cities, is a country that cares about providing a healthy environment for its children, judging by its active participation in programmes such as Ciudades amigas de la infancia and AICE (Asociación Internacional de Ciudades Educadoras) and its place in the latest UNICEF Innocenti Report Card 17. This interest in the well-being of children in urban environments certainly explains the widespread distribution of the writings, all translated into Spanish, of the Italian educational psychologist Francesco Tonucci, on the role of children in the urban ecosystem. Since the society depicted in children’s literature is constructed from the social spaces of childhood and depicts the society experienced by the child, we propose to see whether the children’s literature produced in Spain depicts the urban society experienced by the Spanish child in the 21st century, and whether it forms part of this vast national programme of reflection on the city and the child.