Summary: | The article presents synthetically the methods of ignition of the air-fuel mixture in Internal
Com-bustion (IC) engines along with the characteristics of their advantages and disadvantages, the
problems of their use and the possibility of development. The further development of piston engines
will require a drastic reduction in the emission of harmful exhaust components and carbon dioxide,
which is the most important greenhouse gas emitted by IC engines. For this reason, not only the
engines themselves must be changed but fuels as well. For the most effective use of them, self-ignition of
a homogeneous fuel-air mixture should be implemented. In the present state of technical development is
not possible to widespread use the most ad-vanced ways of self-ignition methods. Typical homogeneous
charge compression ignition (HCCI), where an engine uses only one type of the fuel and correctly
self-ignite in the full scope of work is still not implemented in a serial production.
In the foreign literature, there is a significant number of publications on various methods of Compression
Igni-tion (CI) in IC engines, including IC in Dual Fuel (DF) engines. The Polish literature, however,
is extremely sparse in this matter, and one can find a number of works on CI in single-fuel engines
[1-10], but the topic of DF fueling is not too extensively described. For this reason, it seems important
to publish an article on this important topic today.
Keywords: internal combustion engines, CI engines, homogeneous mixture, dual-fuel engines, RCCI,
DUAL FUEL, HCCI, ENGINES, PCCI, PPCI, PCI, SPCCI, SACIThe article presents synthetically the methods of ignition of the air-fuel mixture in Internal
Com-bustion (IC) engines along with the characteristics of their advantages and disadvantages, the
problems of their use and the possibility of development. The further development of piston engines
will require a drastic reduction in the emission of harmful exhaust components and carbon dioxide,
which is the most important greenhouse gas emitted by IC engines. For this reason, not only the
engines themselves must be changed but fuels as well. For the most effective use of them, self-ignition of
a homogeneous fuel-air mixture should be implemented. In the present state of technical development is
not possible to widespread use the most ad-vanced ways of self-ignition methods. Typical homogeneous
charge compression ignition (HCCI), where an engine uses only one type of the fuel and correctly
self-ignite in the full scope of work is still not implemented in a serial production.
In the foreign literature, there is a significant number of publications on various methods of Compression
Igni-tion (CI) in IC engines, including IC in Dual Fuel (DF) engines. The Polish literature, however,
is extremely sparse in this matter, and one can find a number of works on CI in single-fuel engines
[1-10], but the topic of DF fueling is not too extensively described. For this reason, it seems important
to publish an article on this important topic today.
Keywords: internal combustion engines, CI engines, homogeneous mixture, dual-fuel engines, RCCI,