Summary: | Winer’s nodular calcinosis, presenting as an asymptomatic, firm, white, or yellow nodule at birth or during early childhood, is a form of idiopathic calcinosis cutis. Ulceration on Winer’s nodular calcinosis is rarely seen. Till date, there is no report in the literature regarding the malignant skin lesion confused with Winer’s nodular calcinosis. No similar case or article has been encountered in the Turkish or English literature regarding the malignant skin lesion that might be confused with Winer’s nodular calcinosis. The case of a 3-year-old girl with a 3×2 mm, white, ulcerated, nodular lesion on the helix of the left ear is presented here. The lesion was thought to be a squamous cell carcinoma due to the ulceration and appearance, and it was located on the ear, which is frequently exposed to the sun.