Summary: | The method of paleopiezometry reveals new pleopiezometric data of differential stresses within the calcite veins in outcrops with developed
fold structure near the village of Chmeľnica – eastern sector of the Pieniny Klippen Belt – PKB(the Inner Western Carpathians – IWC ). The results of paleopiezometric
investigations on deformed calcite veins from the PKB at Chmeľmica village within ductile deformed host rocks representing numeric data about the differential stresses
from the final stages of ductile deformation of the calcite veins, penetrating the whole volume of host rocks. The number of deformation twins per 1 mm of the perpendicular
diameter of the grain (D=31-52) at the grain-size (450.5-516.m) has been produced by the recrystallization at differential stresses sigma = 203.48-228.44 MPa. The new
results are given for comparison with previous ones, related with subducted and consequently exhumed rock blocks belonging to Jurassic Mélange proven from the southern
Northern Calcareous Alps (NCA)– Hallstatt and Tirolic unit in the Eastern Alps (EA)(184.15–233.88 MPa) and the Meliatic Unit from the frontal parts of the Bôrka nappe,
thrusted over the Gemeric Supernit in the IWC (347.49–439.55 MPa). Both measured units are repres enting the parts of the Jurassic Neotethyan Belt, striking from the
Carpathians to the Hellenides. The difference between differential stresses simultaneously indicates that the total dynamic recrystallization of allochthonous marbles
from the Kurtova skala hill should occur in conditions of the subduction zone, but their post-exhumation transport on autochthonous carbonates without their whole-volume
plastic deformation should occur in “could conditions” corresponding with the transport of the superficial nappe. The high differential stresses caused the origin of
deformation twins nearly in each calcite grain (Twinning Incidence up to 100 %), as well as the high no. of deformation twins per 1 mm of the perpendicular diameter of
the grain (D = 173.0 –646.25) was developed to the very small size of grains (23.7–42.7.m). These results of differential stresses represent the highest values until
found in the Inner Western Carpathians. The numeric paleopiezometric data obtained from the eastern sector of the PKB, as well as from the area of Pailwand, were measured
in ductile deformed calcite veins, manifest the pressure conditions tightly before the “frozing” of the ductile deformation state at the final stage of thedeformat ion
process. That mirrors not only in the markedly lower values of differential stresses, but also in the grain sizes of thin-sections within calcite veins from the PKB – the
IWC (450.5–516.m), as well as from the oceanic fragments of the Pailwand, the NCA, the EA (323.38 – 571.25.m), which are much coarser in comparison with grain sizes of
thin-sections from Bôrka nappe (23.7 – 42.7.m; but also 174.0 – 403.20.m in the case of grains, which undergone the static recrystallization in the rear parts of
the Bôrka nappe). Based on all these measurements, the method of paleopiezometry seems to be a usable tool for determination of differential stresses, which contribute to
reveal a geological and tectonic interpretation of geodynamic history.