Summary: | The Capiru Group is a Neoproterozoic metasedimentary unit that crops out in the Curitiba terrane, Southern Ribeira Belt, Brazil. A detailed geological mapping of this unit was performed during 2016 to 2020. Original interpretations and the new geological map were compiled and integrated with the past field data of the state (MINEROPAR) and national (CPRM) geological surveys, and to unpublished and recent published studies. This compilation represents the most updated synthesis of the Capiru Group, and provides the basis for recognition and individualization of lithostratigraphic units. The lithostratigraphic units reflect depositional/tectonic events, which involved: a) passive continental margin deposition on the Curitiba microplate, b) compressional episodes during the Brasiliano - Pan African Orogeny (Late Neoproterozoic), c) extensional processes that followed the collision stage (Cambrian), and finally, the d) extensional tectonics related to the Gondwana break-up during the Lower Cretaceous, that culminated to the Proto-Atlantic Ocean opening.