Summary: | Sources of contamination with Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) in soil are related to exploration, production, storage, transportation, distribution and disposal of fuels, such as biodiesel. Therefore, this study examined the ability of bioremediation of soil contaminated with biodiesel and glycerol using mixed culture (C1) from site contaminated by petroleum products. The culture was adapted in two stages of adaptation: in the first stage to the liquid medium and later in contaminated soil contaminated by biodiesel and glycerol, called R01. For adaptation of microorganisms to the contaminated soil, the reactor R01 contained 1.5 kg of soil in which the relationship C: N: P-100 has been corrected: 10:1, as well as pH, humidity and oxygenation of the soil. It was used the technique bioaugmentation with 4 reactors called R1, R2, R3 and R4. In each of these reactors was used a total of 400g of contaminated soil with percentages of 15 %, 20 %, 25 % and 30 % by weight of soil corresponding to fractions removed from R01 source. The same operating procedures employed in R01 were applied in monitoring the 4 reactors for 111 d. The results show that after 111 days there was a reduction of TPH (%): 21, 31, 43 and 51 in reactors.