Ser y Ejercer de tutor en la universidad

<span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;"> </span><p>Este estudio forma parte de la tesis doctoral &ldquo;Significados de la tutor&iacute;a universitaria desde la percepci&oacute;n de los profesores&rdquo;, finalizada en 2012. El prop&a...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Inmaculada Lopez Martin, Purificación González Villanueva, Paloma Julia Velasco Quintana
Format: Article
Published: Universitat Politècnica de València 2013-08-01
Series:Red U
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Summary:<span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;"> </span><p>Este estudio forma parte de la tesis doctoral &ldquo;Significados de la tutor&iacute;a universitaria desde la percepci&oacute;n de los profesores&rdquo;, finalizada en 2012. El prop&oacute;sito ha sido comprender los significados de la tutor&iacute;a en la universidad a trav&eacute;s de la percepci&oacute;n de los profesores, conocer c&oacute;mo influye este escenario en la forma de entender la tutor&iacute;a y profundizar en las relaciones profesor-estudiantes en dicho contexto. Metodolog&iacute;a: investigaci&oacute;n cualitativa, m&eacute;todo de estudio de casos, instrumental y m&uacute;ltiple. Los casos han sido la Universidad P&uacute;blica y Privada. Resultados: El an&aacute;lisis produce seis dominios interrelacionados: Ser y ejercer de profesor en mi universidad, discusi&oacute;n sobre la reforma en Educaci&oacute;n Superior y sus implicaciones en la acci&oacute;n tutorial, los m&uacute;ltiples significados de la tutor&iacute;a, ser y ejercer de estudiante: la pieza que ignora el sistema, ser y ejercer de tutor y, la tutor&iacute;a como espacio docente y de relaci&oacute;n.</p> <p>En este art&iacute;culo se expone el dominio &ldquo;Ser y Ejercer de tutor&rdquo; por ser uno de los temas m&aacute;s relevantes en el estudio. Se identifican elementos que inciden en el significado de ser y hacer de tutor, as&iacute; como los roles, estrategias y acciones en tutor&iacute;a. Conclusiones: En el &ldquo;ser tutor&rdquo; influye el tipo de universidad, &ldquo;ser profesor&rdquo; y el sentido de la tutor&iacute;a para estos. La funci&oacute;n tutorial se adquiere, no se improvisa. Los programas de formaci&oacute;n del profesorado deben ser potentes instrumentos de cambio, de significados en torno a la docencia y de actitudes hacia la tutor&iacute;a.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p class="REDUTITULOINGLES"><strong><em><span lang="EN-GB">Being and practicing as a tutor at University.</span></em></strong></p><p>This study is part of the PhD thesis entitled &ldquo;Meanings of university tutoring from the teachers&rsquo; perspective&rdquo;, completed in 2012. The purpose was to understand the sense of tutoring at university through the teachers&rsquo; perceptions. For it, we tried to know this scenario in order to understand its influence on the tutoring. Finally, we tried to understand further the teacher-student relationship in this context. <em>Methodology</em>: qualitative research, instrumental and multiple cases study method. Cases studied were public and private Universities. <em>Results: </em>the analysis produced six interrelated domains: being and practicing as a teacher in my university, a discussion about Higher Education reform and its implications on tutoring activities, the multiple meanings of tutoring, being and practicing as a student: the part ignored by the system, being and practicing as a tutor and, tutoring as a teaching and relationship space.</p> <p>The domain &ldquo;being and practicing as a tutor&rdquo; is presented in this paper as it is one of the most relevant issues of the study. Elements that impact on the meaning of <em>being and practicing as a tutor</em> are identified, as well as the roles, strategies and actions in the tutoring activities. <em>Conclusions</em>: &ldquo;being a tutor&rdquo; is influenced by the type of university, &ldquo;being a teacher&rdquo; and the sense of tutoring for teachers. Tutoring role is acquired, it can&rsquo;t be improvised. Teacher Training programs should be a powerful tools in order to change the meanings about teaching and to encourage attitudes towards tutoring action.</p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;"> </span>