Summary: | Ore and non-ore potential of the Slovak Republic is restricted by the size of its area. Each successful result of geological research uncovering modest raw material supplies is considered to be worthy. Since 1990 the alginite bed situated in Lučenec Valley, locality of Picniná village, has been considered in the above mentioned sense. Alginite represents a rock with relatively high organic matter content which was sedimenting together with the clays in post - volcanic outbursts during geological periods appropriate for algae occurrence. An interest for this material is also stimulated by the experiences obtained during alginite mining from the deposit not far off Slovak - Hungarian boundary in Gercei and Pula in Hungary. Gercei alginite has a wide variety of utilization as an ecological raw material. By underlining pedological and agrochemical alginite value we intend to contribute to the realization of its utilization, especially in agriculture. First of all, the fact that specific and volume weight as well as the consistent constants and particularly specific surface value of alginite exclusively positively influence physical and chemical soil properties should be emphasized here. Content of biogenic and trace elements, portion of colloidal fraction, humus content and sorption capacity have a determinative significance for prospective alginite involving into an assortment of progressive preparations for soil properties improving. Natural character, absence of phytotoxicity, effective economy of mining technology and ecologization of farming systems, those are the arguments for alginite to be included among such materials like zeolites and bentonites which have already achieved a possition for useful agricultural utilization.