Summary: | In many digital systems, various sequential blocks are used. This paper is devoted to the case where the model of a Mealy finite state machine (FSM) represents the behaviour of a sequential block. The chip area occupied by an FSM circuit is one of the most important characteristics used in logic synthesis. In this paper, a method is proposed which aims at reducing LUT counts for FPGA-based Mealy FSMs with transformation of state codes into FSM outputs. This is done using the combined state codes. Such an approach allows excluding a block of transformation of binary state codes into extended state codes. The proposed method leads to LUT-based Mealy FSM circuits having exactly three levels of logic blocks. Under certain conditions, each function for any logic level is represented by a circuit including a single LUT. The proposed approach is illustrated with an example of synthesis. The results of experiments conducted using standard benchmarks show that the proposed method produces LUT-based FSM circuits with significantly smaller LUT counts than is the case for circuits produced by other investigated methods (Auto and One-hot of Vivado, JEDI, and transformation of binary codes into extended state codes). The LUT count is decreased by an average of 17.96 to 91.8%. Moreover, if some conditions are met, the decrease in the LUT count is accompanied with a slight improvement in the operating frequency compared with circuits based on extended state codes. The advantages of the proposed method multiply with increasing the numbers of FSM inputs and states.