Summary: | <p>In article questions of formation of readiness of the teacher to training at home children with limited opportunities of health in system of additional professional education are considered. The concept "readiness of the teacher for training at home children with limited opportunities of health" is defined. The advanced training course program "Training at home children with limited opportunities of health" as means of formation of this type of readiness is submitted.</p><p><strong>Research</strong> objective is justification and skilled and experimental check of process of formation of readiness of the teacher to training at home children with limited opportunities of health.</p><p><strong>As a result of research</strong> special educational needs of children with limited opportunities of the health, defining specifics of activity of the teachers training at home children with limited opportunities of health are revealed; structural components of readiness of the teacher to training at home children with limited opportunities of health are revealed and scientifically proved; the model of process of formation of readiness of the teacher to training at home children with limited opportunities of health is developed; scientific and methodical ensuring process of formation of readiness of the teacher to training at home children with limited opportunities of health is developed.</p><p><strong>Scope of results</strong>: the educational and methodical complex developed by the author (the program, monitors, educational and methodical grants) can be used by the faculty of pedagogical highest and average special institutions for development of special courses; the faculty of system of additional professional education of teachers for the purpose of development of curricula and educational programs, didactic and methodical materials for the organization of process of formation of readiness of the teacher to training at home children with limited opportunities of health.</p><p><strong>DOI: <a href=""></a></strong></p>