Summary: | Walking and the tropical Far North Queensland landscape of Australia have had a major influence on the author’s creative research. In this paper, immersive practice, which includes walking, is examined as a means to form connections with the natural environment and stimulate imaginative thought. These attributes have developed the author’s painting processes, which endeavour to enrich understandings of the landscapes of tropical far north Queensland. An immersive approach responds to the complexities of increasingly sedentary lifestyles and the tendency to engage with digital distractions in our high speed media-connected world. In this fast-paced realm, meaningful relationships with the natural environment can be reduced, with meandering and imaginative pursuits often becoming neglected. Living in Far North Queensland provides easy access to unique tropical landscapes to engage with. Walking receptively in such natural environments can provide a physical and mental counterpoint to contemporary fastpaced lifestyles. Furthermore, walking provides opportunities to engage in ‘mindwandering’ and embodied experience that can enrich painting practice.
The research presented in this paper celebrates life in tropical Far North Queensland and highlights the artist’s experience in this particular part of the world. Recently, the 29th of June was designated the International Day of the Tropics by the UN General Assembly, a day founded to raise awareness and consideration of both the challenges and opportunities faced by tropical regions of the world. ( This designated day provides space for the author/artist to reflect upon the diverse culture and ecosystems of the region and position her artistic practice within a broader context of ideas relating to tropical environments.