Summary: | <i>Venturia inaequalis</i> is the ascomycetous pathogen causing apple scabs and forms dark-pigmented spores and partially melanised infection structures. Although melanin is considered to be essential for the infection of host tissue, a spontaneously occurring melanin-deficient mutant was isolated from an abaxial side of an apple leaf and can be cultivated in vitro as well as in vivo. The morphology and development of the melanin-deficient-isolate SW01 on leaves of susceptible apple plants were compared to that of the corresponding wild-type isolate HS1. White conidia of SW01 were often wrinkled when dry and significantly increased their volume in suspension. Germination and formation of germtubes and appressoria were not impaired; however, the lack of melanisation of the appressorial ring structure at the interface with the plant cuticle significantly reduced the infection success of SW01. The colonisation of leaf tissue by non-melanised subcuticular hyphae was not affected until the initiation of conidiogenesis. Non-melanised conidiophores penetrated the plant cuticle from inside less successfully than the wild type, and the release of white conidia from less solid conidiophores above the cuticle was less frequent. Melanin in the outer cell wall of <i>V. inaequalis</i> was not required for the survival of conidia under ambient temperature or at −20 °C storage conditions, however, promoted the tolerance of the pathogen to copper and synthetic fungicides affecting the stability and function of the fungal cell wall, plasma membrane, respiration (QoIs) and enzyme secretion, but had no effect on the sensitivity to sulphur and SDHIs. The roles of melanin in different steps of the <i>V. inaequalis</i> life cycle and the epidemiology of apple scabs are discussed.