Summary: | Nowadays the sheet metal forming industry faces challenges regarding efficient usage of resources and sustainability. One strategy to increase the environmental friendliness is to abandon the application of lubricants. The direct contact between tool and workpiece leads to an intensive interaction which increases friction. Especially for deep drawing processes with long sliding distances, this causes distinctive wear. The tool sided application of carbon based coatings is a well-known approach to reduce friction and wear. Former studies have shown a beneficial behavior of hydrogenated amorphous carbon based coatings (a-C:H) to improve the tribological conditions in contact with steel sheets and aluminium alloys under dry conditions. Within this study the coating process and the resulting coating properties will be analyzed. Afterwards mechanical and laser based surface treatment processes prior and after the deposition process will be investigated to reduce the coating roughness. Different roughness values were achieved by varying the surface treatment processes. The laser based finishing enables a reduction of the Spk values by removing single roughness asperities. In order to identify the necessary process parameters for the laser treatment, an analytical model of the material removal was applied. The laser surface treatment achieved similar roughness characteristics compared to mechanical treatment. In this study the tribological behavior of a-C:H coated tools was analyzed under dry conditions within strip drawing tests. The tribological investigations revealed that for dry deep drawing of zinc coated DC04 a broader range of Spk values leads to acceptable tribological conditions whereas for AA5182 a smoother tool surface has to be ensured to prevent adhesion and utilize the full potential of a-C:H coatings.