Summary: | Kidney transplantation comes first for treating and improving living standards in patients with end-stage renal disease. The developments in surgical techniques on kidney transplantation and the specific immunosuppressive agents contributed to improving the function of graft for more extended periods. In addition, developments of anesthesia also contributed to this success. The purpose of the study was to present anesthesia management applied on 40 kidney transplant recipients who were carried out from alive and cadaver donors with a current literature review. The ages, genders, accompanying systemic diseases, whether or not the graft was received from live donor or a cadaver, hot/cold ischemia times, anesthesia and surgery times of the participants were recorded. In addition, postoperative analgesia management, postoperative complications and hospital stays of the patients were also recorded. We believe that graft preservation and patient comfort will be increased with good analgesia management, graft protection, by using selected anesthetics and protecting the kidney blood flow, and by close hemodynamic follow-up in kidney transplant patients. [Med-Science 2019; 8(1.000): 169-72]