Summary: | Abstract This lecture-based resource reviews oral injury in children. Dental injuries are very common, and up to 30% of children injure their primary teeth. These injuries become common again in the mid-elementary school years (ages 8 to 10) as children join sports teams and become more independently active outdoors. In adolescence, motor-vehicle accidents and assault become increasingly important in the epidemiology of dental injury. Almost half of all children will incur some type of tooth damage by the time they reach adolescence, so becoming comfortable with a general approach to the evaluation and management of oral injury is important for all pediatric primary care providers. This resource is a part of Protecting All Children's Teeth (PACT), a series created by the American Academy of Pediatrics' Oral Health Initiative to educate medical students, residents, pediatric primary care providers, and others interested in infant, child, and adolescent health about the importance of oral health in overall health. The series provides in-depth coverage of child oral health, oral health guidance, and preventive care to increase comfort in recognizing dental disease and conditions and communicating with dental professionals. This resource has been in use since 2007 by physicians in training at the medical school and residency levels as well as those in clinical practice. The content has been used by pediatric, family medicine, and emergency medicine physician training programs as well as by physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, dentists, and dental hygienists in training and in clinical practice. As this presentation on oral injury is part of a complete oral health curriculum, educators and learners are encouraged to view the additional 12 courses.