Summary: | The interest for the reproduction human being consisted from the work carried
through as psychoanalytic in a clinic with this specialization. The gestation sends the woman to a
flica condition. Ahead of the impossibility to exert the maternity, it has a carrying suffering of
much anguish and pain. The women unprovided of a medical diagnosis that explains the truth of
its body, suffer ahead of the inexplicable one. The brought question is exactly around the body
that is healthful e, however, does not exert its function. We can think that the origin of the
children evidences the existence of the sexual desire of a man for a woman. The absence of infans
it brings I obtain the hard reality for that they want, however do not carry through the maternity.
that it remains of enigmatic around the question of the procreation is the lack that if presentifica
ahead of the medical disgnostic unprovided of an impediment that they can give account of this