Summary: | In creating a large-scale atomic-hydrogen power industry, the resolution of technological issues associated with high temperatures in reactor plants (900°C) and large hydrogen concentrations intended as long-term resources takes on particular importance. The paper considers technological aspects of removing impurities from high-temperature sodium used as a coolant in the high-temperature fast reactor (BN-HT) 600MW (th.) intended for the production of hydrogen as well as other innovative applications. The authors examine the behavior of impurities in the BN-HT circuits associated with the mass transfer intensification at high temperatures (Arrhenius law) in different operating modes. Special attention is given to sodium purification from hydrogen, tritium and corrosion products in the BN-HT. Sodium purification from hydrogen and tritium by their evacuation through vanadium or niobium membranes will make it possible to develop compact highly-efficient sodium purification systems. It has been shown that sodium purification from tritium to concentrations providing the maximum permissible concentration of the produced hydrogen (3.6Bq/l according to NRB-99/2009) specifies more stringent requirements to the hydrogen removal system, i.e., the permeability index of the secondary tritium removal system should exceed 140kg/s. Provided that a BN-HN-type reactor meets these conditions, the bulk of tritium (98%) will be accumulated in the compact sodium purification system of the secondary circuit, 0.6% (∼ 4·104Bq/s), will be released into the environment and 1.3% will enter the product (hydrogen). The intensity of corrosion products (CPs) coming into sodium is determined by the corrosion rate of structural materials: at a high temperature level, a significant amount of corrosion products flows into sodium. The performed calculations showed that, for the primary BN-HT circuit, the amount of corrosion products formed at the oxygen concentration in sodium of 1mln–1 exceeds 900kg/yr with fuel element claddings made of EP-912-VD steel and 464kg/yr with molybdenum alloy claddings. For the secondary circuit, the amount of corrosion products totals 263kg/yr for each loop. Taking into account the high-temperature experiments which demonstrated high efficiency of retaining corrosion product suspensions by the strainers located in the low-temperature area, it is proposed to cool sodium to the required temperature alongside the corrosion products retention on the mass transfer surfaces, including strainers. It is shown that, by using 30% of the power required to produce hydrogen with 50% efficiency, the BN-HT is capable of producing about 0.6·106m3 of hydrogen per 24 hours which is sufficient for modern large-scale enterprises processing medium-grade crude oil or the implementation of other technologies.