Summary: | Abstract It was known that the U(N )4 super Chern-Simons matrix model describing the worldvolume theory of D3-branes with two NS5-branes and two (1, k)5-branes in IIB brane configuration (dual to M2-branes after taking the T-duality and the M-theory lift) corresponds to the D 5 quantum curve. For deformations of these two objects, on one hand the super Chern-Simons matrix model has three degrees of freedom (of relative rank defor- mations interpreted as fractional branes in brane configurations), while on the other hand the D 5 curve has five degrees of freedom (characterized by point configurations of asymp- totic values). To identify the three-dimensional parameter space of brane configurations in the five-dimensional space of point configurations, we propose the necessity to cut the compact T-duality circle (or the circular quiver diagram) open, which is similar to the idea of “fixing a reference frame” or “fixing a local chart”. Since the parameter space of curves enjoys the D 5 Weyl group beautifully, we are naturally led to conjecture that M2-branes are not only deformed by fractional branes but more obscure geometrical backgrounds.