Summary: | This paper centers on the relationship between journalism and literature in the work of Mario Levrero and focuses on the column Irrupciones that appeared in the weekly newspaper Posdata between 1996 and 2000. It refers to Levrero’s reflections on the differences between writing for the press or for literary publication and frames Irrupciones as the testimony of a moment of maximum exposure of the figure of the writer. The image of “suit and tie” alluded to in the title of the article evokes the figure of the wanderer, who looks at his surroundings and fantasizing about them ; and the narrator who unfolds the text like a Moebius cartoon strip. Writing these columns tested and reworked the counterpoints that Levrero proposed to reflect on in his approach to writing. The fairest way to describe them is to say that they are literary creations and that the conditions in which they were made have affected the result, not only in relation to the format—heavily conditioned—but also to the content : a new emphasis on the creation of the city. More broadly, Irrupciones is analyzed in connection with other works of Levrero, an identification between writing and place as opposed to the assimilation of movement and death.