Summary: | Community-based rapid biodiversity assessment has been done initially with Gapoktanhut Lestari Sejahtera, a group of coffee farmers practises social forestry in protected forest, Sedayu, Semaka, Tanggamus, under supervision of KPH Kotaagung Utara, Tanggamus. Its aim is to identify potential natural resources in Kotaagung Utara protected forest, Tanggamus, under Kaidenren Nature Conservation Fund, in collaboration with University of Lampung and Rainforest Alliance program. Direct survey and observation were done, kobotoolbox was applied to collect the biodiversity information, the direct and indirect data of plants, animals as well as landscapes. Of 480 data input has been done by transect line from November, 2021 to February, 2022 covering 15 observed areas. The data consists of direct and indirect data of plants, animals as well as landscapes. The finding done is by local names included plants (n=78) mostly understory plant species, orchids, and ferns, small animals (n=40) include amphibians, reptiles, birds, and arthropods, indirect signs (n=11) of food remains, footprints, voices, scraps, wallowing ponds, scratches, nests, insects body remains, eggs and animals’ trail, some fungi, and landscapes. The findings shows that local community is potential citizen research resources, supporting social forestry practice and the initial building of Kota Agung Utara Forest Management Unit database