Bilimsel Toplantı Duyuruları

I. The Changing Health Care Enviroment: Issues for the Future, March 7, 1997, Nashville, Tennessee. For further information: American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 765 Commonwealth Avenue, 16th Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02215 USA. Tel: 617 262 4990, Fax: 617 437 7596, Email: aslme@b...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Adli Tıp Uzmanları Derneği ATUD
Format: Article
Published: Adli Tıp Uzmanları Derneği 1996-10-01
Series:Adli Tıp Bülteni
Online Access:http://localhost/~ugurkocak/adlitipbulteni.com_3101/index.php/atb/article/view/157
Summary:I. The Changing Health Care Enviroment: Issues for the Future, March 7, 1997, Nashville, Tennessee. For further information: American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 765 Commonwealth Avenue, 16th Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02215 USA. Tel: 617 262 4990, Fax: 617 437 7596, Email: II. II. Adli Bilimler Sempozyumu,Balistik, 4-5 Nisan 1997, İzmir. İletişim: Doç.Dr.İ.Hamit Hancı, Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı, 35100 Bornova İZMİR. Tel: 0232 388 2157, 0232 388 1920/3256 III. Gender Studies, Date commencement: 5 March 1997-24 April 1997, Days and times: Wednesdays 18.00-20.00. 1. Women's rights, 2. Serhia & Women, 3. Women & Law, 4. Refuge Women, 5. Domestic violence & Women, 6. Working life & Women, 7. Women & Union, 8. Politics & Women. For further information: Aysel İşçi & Dr.Laurence Raw, The British Council, Kırlangıç sok. No: 9, 06700 GOP ANKARA. Tel: 0312 468 6192 Fax: 0312 427 6182. IV. Forensic Science Society Spring Meeting, Suspicious Death?, 11-13 April 1997, Leeds, United Kingdom. Details from Anne Holds- worth, 18A Mount Parade, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, UNITEN KINGDOM HGI IBX. An- V. Forensic Medicine and Drugs: Clinical and Scientific Aspects, 24-25 April 1997, Stakis Hydro, Dunblane, Scotland. Contact Dr DG Williams, Dept of Biochemistry, District General Hospital, Sunderland, UNITED KINGDOM. Tel: 0191 565 6256 ext 42800. VI. IV. Sosyal Psikiyatri Sempozyumu, 7-9 Mayıs 1997, Adana. Yazışma adresi: Prof.Dr.Yunus Emre Evlice, Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı, Balcalı 01330 ADANA. Tel: 0322 338 6857. VII. III. Kadın Çalışmaları Toplantısı, 17-19 Mayıs 1997, Adana. İletişim: Çukurova Üniversitesi Kadın Sorunları Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi, Bakalı ADANA. VIII. The 5th International Family Violence Research Conference, Family Research Laboratory, 29 June-2 July 1997, Durham United Kingdom. Conference Secretary: Doreen Cole, Tel: + 603 862 1122. University of New Hampshire, 126 Horton Social Science Center, Durham, NH 03824-3586, UNITED KINGDOM Fax: + 603 862 1122, e-mail: FRL97 conferen- IX. Advancing the Scientific Investigation of Crime, 6-18 July 1997, Durham United Kingdom. Contact Publicity Manager, International Seminars Dept, The British Council, 10 Spring Gdns, London, UNITED KINGDOM SW1A 2BN. Tel:+44 (0) 171 389 4264; Fax: +44 (0) 171 389 4154. X. 2nd Joint Meeting of Forensic Science Society and The California Association of Criminalists, International Science & Justice, 9-12 July 1997, Harrogate, United Kingdom, Details from Anne Holdsworth, 18A Mount Parade, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, UNITED KINGDOM HGI IBX. An- XI. XVII Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine, 20-23 August 1997, Dublin, Ireland, Details from Ms Louise Loughran, Conference Secretary, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland- 123 Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 402 2126; Fax: +353 1 402 2458. XII. XIII. Ulusal Patoloji Kongresi (Uluslararası katkılarla), 4-8 Eylül 1997, İstanbul İletişim: Doç.Dr.Süha Göksel, İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi, Patoloji Anabilim Dalı, 34300 Cerrahpaşa İSTANBUL. Tel: 0212 586 1551 Faks: 0212 559 6994, 0212 631 1367. XIII. 3rd International Conference of GFS on Forensic Handwriting and Document Examination, 10-13 September 1997, Lucerne, Switzerland. Details from Dr. PW Baier, GFS Secretary, Branichstrasse 8, D-69198 Schriesheim, GERMANY. Telephone / Fax: +49 6203 63244. XIV. III.Tıbbi Etik Sempozyumu, 23-25 Ekim 1997, Ankara. İletişim: Dr.Serap Şahinoğlu Pelin, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Deontoloji Anabilim Dalı, Sıhhiye ANKARA. Tel: 0312 310 3010 / 362.