Summary: | This paper sho\fv'S that in the last twenty years the structure of the world economy has undergone huge changes cuantivativas and, inevitably, has its counterpart qualitative: the center of gravity of the global economy and its dynamics, sources of credit, investment and technological development and do not focus more exclusively in lhe U.S. and Europe and have begun lo shift lowards Asia, particularly China. Judging by lhe depth of the current crisis and the inability sho'M1 by the former citadels of development, the center of policy design not only recovery, but have shown, too, unable to devise a strategy for grovvth and economic development and their leaders are mired in the implementation of austerity policies vvild only aggravate the disease and amount to resort to amputation to try to cure a cancer patient. Emphasizes, therefore, the engine of world economy vvill continue moving to Asia in alliance vvith the so-called emerging economies, especially those in Latin America but also including India, Russia, South Africa, the Periphery, vvhich offer a more than others, not only political grovvth and development but also a strategy in which the elimination of poverty and increased living standards of millions of human beings is integral to that strategy. There is no reason to prevent such a strategy is adopted in the countries of Central. The c1aim sovereignty over natural resources and their utilization for the benefit of the majority, the South-South cooperation and renegotiation of the North-South course, designed both to create a new VvOrld economic order, have the potential of that humanity had glimpsed on Iy hypothetically or theoretically. Highlights, as the two great obstacles to achieve goals, diabolical dynamics of financiai capital and the unnecessary militarization of former Hegemony. The first destabilizing the economies of the center, dragging in its vortex many of the economies of the periphery, with the usual path of destruction, misery, violence and human suffering. The second, that looms as a constant threat to the possibility of a better world, and most immediately, the obvious target seems to be Latin America. This will soon be off the broad outlines of the alternative to the Centre and the Periphery.