Summary: | The present article reviews the multiple applications of group theory to the symmetry problems in physics. In classical physics, this concerns primarily relativity: Euclidean, Galilean, and Einsteinian (special). Going over to quantum mechanics, we first note that the basic principles imply that the state space of a quantum system has an intrinsic structure of pre-Hilbert space that one completes into a genuine Hilbert space. In this framework, the description of the invariance under a group <i>G</i> is based on a unitary representation of <i>G</i>. Next, we survey the various domains of application: atomic and molecular physics, quantum optics, signal and image processing, wavelets, internal symmetries, and approximate symmetries. Next, we discuss the extension to gauge theories, in particular, to the Standard Model of fundamental interactions. We conclude with some remarks about recent developments, including the application to braid groups.