Summary: | The article deals with the problem of discrimination of ethnic Koreans living in Japan (Zainichi Koreans), who face it in various forms – from psychological harassment to direct intimidation and insults. The author shows the historical background of this problem and comes to the conclusion that the ambiguous legal status of Koreans in Japan, the biased attitude of the Japanese towards Koreans, the issue of “hate speeches” that has aggravated in the last decade, the discrimination of “Korean schools” in Japan and other aspects of the problem are largely determined by the negative historical legacy in Japanese relations with the countries of the Korean peninsula. The division of the Korean peninsula also has its influence, which is reflected in the split of the Korean diaspora and mutual hostility between its two poles, oriented towards the North or the South of Korea. The Japanese dislike of North Korea, which in their eyes is a source of direct military threat, manifests itself in the discriminatory policy of the government and local authorities towards “Korean schools”, which exclude these schools from the public financial support system.