Summary: | The present article examines the connection between Cage’s politics and aesthetics, demonstrating how his
formal experiments are informed by his political and social views. In 4’33’’, which is probably the best illustration
of Cage’s radical aesthetics, Cage wanted his listeners to appreciate the beauty of accidental noises,
which, as he claims elsewhere, “had been dis-criminated against” (Cage 1961d: 109). His egalitarian stance is
also refl ected in his views on the function of the listener. He wants to empower his listeners, thus blurring the
distinction between the performer and the audience. In 4’33’’ the composer forbidding the performer to impose
any sounds on the audience gives the audience the freedom to rediscover the natural music of the world. I am
arguing that in his experiments Cage was motivated not by the desire for formal novelty but by the utopian
desire to make the world a better place to live. He described his music as “an affi rmation of life – not an attempt
to bring order out of chaos nor to suggest improvements in creation, but simply a way of waking up to
the very life we’re living, which is so excellent once one gets one’s mind and desires out of its way and lets it
act of its own accord” (Cage 1961b: 12).