Summary: | A large-area silicon drift detectors (SDDs) system has been developed by the SIDDHARTA-2 collaboration for high precision light kaonic atom X-ray spectroscopy at the DA<inline-formula><math xmlns="" display="inline"><semantics><mi mathvariant="normal">Φ</mi></semantics></math></inline-formula>NE collider of Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare—Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati. The SDDs’ geometry and electric field configuration, combined with their read-out electronics, make these devices suitable for performing high precision light kaonic atom spectroscopy measurements in the background of the DA<inline-formula><math xmlns="" display="inline"><semantics><mi mathvariant="normal">Φ</mi></semantics></math></inline-formula>NE collider. This work presents the spectroscopic response of the SDDs system during the first exotic atoms run of SIDDHARTA-2 with kaonic helium, a preliminary to the kaonic deuterium data taking campaign. The SIDDHARTA-2 spectroscopic system has good energy resolution and a 2 μs timing window which rejects the asynchronous events, scaling the background by a factor of <inline-formula><math xmlns="" display="inline"><semantics><msup><mn>10</mn><mrow><mo>−</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></msup></semantics></math></inline-formula>. The results obtained for the first exotic atoms run of SIDDHARTA-2 prove this system to be ready to perform the challenging kaonic deuterium measurement.