Summary: | A notary, within the powers to perform notarial acts, acts as a person of public trust and the acts performed by him/her in accordance with the law have the character of an administrative document. When performing the act, he/she is obliged to ensure that the rights and legitimate interests not only of the parties, but also other persons for whom the act may have legal consequences, are duly protected. He/she should refuse to carry out a notarial act that is against the law.
This work was written on the basis of research carried out by an investigation of the law in force. It presents arguments that lead to a conclusion that both literature and judicial decisions sometimes create too far-reaching expectations of a notary as to the ways and limits of ensuring security of transactions. Although the limits for a notary’s activity as a guarantor of security of legal transactions are set by law – the Law on Notaries, the lacunae existing within it should be a subject of a scholarly and judicial discussion to define the acts of notaries so it may be implemented.