Shrnutí: | Introduction
Tobacco industry documents reveal companies’ knowledge of a
similar young adult market across countries in terms of attitudes and lifestyle
aspirations. Some tobacco companies, therefore, use similar marketing approaches
across different jurisdictions. We examined young adults’ perceptions of flavored
cigarette packs, including those containing flavor capsules, in Mexico and the
We conducted a secondary analysis of five focus groups held in Mexico
and four in the Philippines with young adults who smoke (aged 18–24 years),
separated by gender, in which participants interacted with cigarette packs
purchased locally. Transcribed and translated data were thematically analyzed
and compared between countries.
Three major themes were identified: 1) Flavor capsules cigarettes are
recognizable via pack design through imagery on the pack that is understood
to signify capsules; 2) Colors signal flavor and make the pack attractive; and 3)
Young adults who smoke identify the target audience for these products as young
people and those who are beginning to smoke.
Young adults who smoke in Mexico and the Philippines interpreted
flavored cigarette pack design similarly and thought that young people are the
main audience for these products. This suggests a successful marketing approach
creating shared perceptions of flavored cigarette packs in different world regions.
It is likely that similar tactics are used in other countries around the world.
Therefore, jurisdictions might use evidence from other jurisdictions to support
the implementation of evidence-based tobacco control policies. These findings
also support the implementation of plain and standardized packaging and flavor
bans that would also limit product innovation such as capsules.