Summary: | Legends, a small genre of epic folklore, have a unique plot structure. Legends usually
consist of episodic events. Because legends have an etiological character, this episodic event
also results in the realization of creation. In order to study the plot of a legend, it is necessary to
study the underlying event of creation: the causes of the miracle that took place, the methods of
the miracle, and the concept that emerged.
We have identified 163 plots specific to Azerbaijani legends from many sources. During
the division and classification of plots, the reasons for their emergence were taken into account.
These reasons are also closely related to the character of the protagonist.
The classification of legend plot types is based on the character of the heroes. To be
more precise, the actions of the heroes of the legend are the main factor in the creation. Given
that the hero's actions stem from his character, the study of the character of the hero is an
important issue in the study and classification of the plot of the legend