Summary: | Measuring the residual stress in the components in nuclear power plants is crucial to their safety evaluation. The instrumented indentation technique is a minimally invasive approach that can be conveniently used to determine the residual stress in structural materials in service. Because the indentation behavior of a structure with residual stresses is closely related to the elastic-plastic behavior of the indented material, an accurate understanding of the elastic-plastic behavior of the material is essential for evaluation of the residual stresses in the structures. However, due to the analytical problems associated with solving the elastic-plastic behavior, empirical equations with limited applicability have been used. In the present study, the impact of the non-equibiaxial residual stress state on indentation behavior was investigated using finite element analysis. In addition, a new nonequibiaxial residual-stress prediction methodology is proposed using a convolutional neural network, and the performance was validated. A more accurate residual-stress measurement will be possible by applying the proposed residual-stress prediction methodology in the future.