Summary: | The loess collapsing soils are practically ubiquitously distributed in the Perm region. They occupy about 30% of the region area. The mass construction of buildings and structures of different purposes is conducted there.
Design and construction of auto-roads on the collapsing soils by ensuring their strength and normal operation is one of the most important and difficult problems of the modern construction.
It is recommended to eliminate collapsing properties of soils within the entire collapsing strata with the use of deep compaction by rammers and presoaking of foundation soils, including that with deepwater explosions, chemical or thermal fixing.
Multi-year practice of construction on the collapsing soils in the regions of our country showed that during erection of the various structures the removal of the powerful loess soil collapsibility is achieved with the help of methods described above, each of which is selected on the basis of the conditions and possibilities of application.
This article describes the following tasks:
1. Study and generalization of the available experience of road construction on the loess soils;
2. Zoning and classification (typing) of the loess strata;
3. Selection of the engineering-geological factors influencing the choice of method for compacting collapsing soils;
4. General provisions for road construction on the collapsing soils.