Summary: | In Europe, amatoxin-containing mushrooms are responsible for most of the deadly poisonings caused by macrofungi. The present work presents a multidisciplinary revision of the European species of <i>Amanita</i> sect. <i>Phalloideae</i> based on morphology, phylogeny, epidemiology, and biochemistry of amatoxins and phallotoxins. Five distinct species of this section have been identified in Europe to date: <i>A. phalloides</i>, <i>A. virosa</i>, <i>A. verna</i>, the recently introduced North American species <i>A. amerivirosa</i>, and <i>A. vidua</i> sp. nov., which is a new name proposed for the KOH-negative Mediterranean species previously described as <i>A. verna</i> or <i>A. decipiens</i> by various authors. Epitypes or neotypes are selected for species lacking suitable reference collections, namely <i>A. verna</i> and <i>A. virosa</i>. Three additional taxa, <i>Amanita decipiens</i>, <i>A. porrinensis,</i> and <i>A. virosa</i> var. <i>levipes</i> are here considered later heterotypic synonyms of <i>A. verna</i>, <i>A. phalloides,</i> and <i>A. amerivirosa</i>, respectively.