Summary: | The result of employee performance in PT Asuransi XYZ in 2014 is 63.38% of PT Asuransi XYZ’s employee acquire an excellent performance, therefore the performance drastically decreased in every year until 2016. Otherwise, the amount of employee that acquire deficient performance increase to 77.6% in 2014 to 2016. The growth of the employee performance is allegedly influenced by the motivation and training that provided by PT Asuransi XYZ to the employee. This causes the researcher intend to examine the influence of training and motivation toward the employee performance. This study uses quantitative approach with questionnaires that distributed to 116 employees with quota sampling method. The number of samples are from heads of division, heads of department, heads of section, and executors with the total 11 person, 20 person, 38 person and 47 person.The sample data is processed using LISREL application to analyze Structural Equation Modeling. The results of this study indicated that variables of training had a significant positive effect on employee performance, motivation had a positive and significant positive effect on employee performance, and training had a positive and significant effect on motivation. Training and motivation together had a positive significant effect on employee performance.