Summary: | The first explorations of the women's vaginal mucosa were devoted to thehumoral immunity study. There are few studies conceming the role of specific serumand secretion immunoglobulins in women with recurrent genital candidosis (RGC).The aim of the paper was to detect the antiCandida TgG and IgA antibodies in theexamined woman's blood in order to determine a possible causal relation between the findings of the specific immunoglobulin and those of the fungi of the Candida sort inthe woman's genital tract. The examined test group for the serological analyzescomprised 60 women with the RGC, namely, those having a positive finding of theCandida albicans in their vaginal secretion. The control group consisted of 60 chosenwomen with no finding of the Candida sp. infection/colonization of the genital tract.The specific antiCandida IgG and IgA antibodies in the examineđ women's bloodwere detennined by a non standard zed indirect immunofluorescent test. The specificanti Candida IgG antibodies were confirmed in 90% of the women with the RGC andin 45% of the control group women. The IgA specific immunoglobulins were foundin 12 women of the test group and only in one woman of the control group. The lowertiter of the IgG antibodies was proved in approximately the same number of womenof both the examined groups. A higher titer of the IgG antibodies was found in aconsiderably greater number of women with chronic fungi genital infection (34) withrespect to the control group women (9).